平井政俊建築設計事務所 Masatoshi Hirai Architects Atelier

Villa Potager




Vegetables and herbs, Fruits tree and flowers mixed, the both are for eating and watching as kitchen garden technique, potager.

This is a house for the generation to grow own vegetables and raise own children.  The client had moved away from Kumagaya, their hometown, to City for work, but has moved back there for their children in better environment.  At Kumagaya, the client has been trying town planning through tourism.  


In a big land the south side is kept for kitchen garden, and the north side is for houses following the Shinhoshikawa River and making the townscape and wide frontage.

Four small rooms are located with the rhythm of some potager, a dirt floor between them is taking to the garden and going to four direction in the house, and the eaves of the roof is for escaping from the summer sunlight. 

Uwadoma, long dirt floor people taking their shoes off at, is located in the center of the house and is bright with the sun coming in through six windows. 

Walking during fieldwork, drying vegetable is making the scenery connected inside of the house and potager.  And it is open for children art class in local and open for serving a meal and continued to outside.

We think the deep space with the sunlight, the wind and the smell of the earth coming in is becoming the part of activity for the activity for living and the local community, the social and environment, and developing family and new relationship.   

Villa Potager / 2018 long ver.
  • 所在地│
    • 埼玉県熊谷市
  • 用途│
    • 専用住宅
  • 敷地面積│
    • 461.37㎡
  • 延床面積│
    • 95.17㎡(駐車場含む)
  • 建築面積│
    • 100.64㎡
  • 構造│
    • 木造在来軸組工法  
  • 規模│
    • 地上1階建て
  • 設計監理│
    • 關本丹青+平井政俊建築設計事務所
  • 構造設計│
    • 金箱構造設計事務所
  • テキスタイル│
    • 安東陽子デザイン
  • ダイニングテーブル&チェア│
    • ハオアンドメイ
  • 照明デザイン│
    • 平井政俊建築設計事務所
  • 写真│
    • morinakayasuaki(*1)
    • 平井政俊建築設計事務所(*3)
  • Location│
    • Kumagaya, Saitama
  • Principal Use│
    • Residence
  • Site Area│
    • 461.37㎡
  • Total Floor Area│
    • 95.17㎡(incl. Parking)
  • Building Area│
    • 100.64㎡
  • Structure│
    • Timber Framework
  • Floor number│
    • Single Storied
  • Design and Supervising│
    • Mio Sekimoto+Masatoshi Hirai Architects Atelier
  • Structural Engineers│
    • Kanebako Structural Engineers
  • Textile│
    • Yoko Ando Design
  • Original Lightings│
    • Design : Masatoshi Hirai Architects Atelier
    • Production:Lignting Crew
  • Contractors│
    • TOKITA komuten
  • Photo│
    • morinakayasuaki(*1)
    • Masatoshi Hirai Architects Atelier(*3)
© Masatoshi Hirai Architects Atelier