2019. May. 09

・会期:2019年6月19日(水)〜7月5日(金) 10:00〜18:00(日・月休館)入場無料
・会場:AGC Studio 2階(東京都中央区京橋2-5-18 京橋創生館2階)http://www.agcstudio.jp
Our recent work, Villa Potager got the “House Building Award 2019”.
The juries were Kumiko Inui, Jun Aoki, Erika Nakagawa, Go Hasegawa, and Kazuya Fukushima. The theme of the award is “hope to find out from the house”.
We sympathize with the client who envisions a new way of living in the suburbs, and I have wanted to embody the attractiveness of living in the suburbs of today through the design of one house.
Thank you very much to the client, the constructors, and many related people.
Please see the following URL for details of the award.
And, brochure (PDF) including comments from juries are here.
As the award-winning works exhibition will be held as follows, please come and see it by all means.
■ Home Building Award 2019 Award-winning Works Exhibition
・ Periodium: June 19 (Wed)-July 5 (Fri), 2019 10:00 to 18:00 (Closed on Sunday and Mon) Admission Free
・ Venue: AGC Studio (2nd floor) (http://www.agcstudio.jp)