重要港湾尾道糸崎港内港地区三原旅客ターミナル(仮称)プロポーザル 特定者(最優秀)に選定されました
2024. Sep. 30

特定者(D者)の提案は、投票で1位が3票、2位が3票の計6票を獲得しました。複数の 小屋根を高低差をつけて配置し、一部の屋根は特徴的なねじれ形状とし、その下に必要な所室 を配置する計画となっており、街に対して開かれ市民の日常使いがしやすそうであるといった ことや、周辺の状況をよくリサーチしていることが分かる提案内容が高く評価されました。ま た、関係者(作り手と使い手)の意見を調整し、そこに学生等を巻き込み、港づくりを自分ご ととする機運を醸成するといった提案もあり、若者が集まりつつある三原港周辺のにぎわいづ くりへの寄与が期待されることなどから、今回のテーマについて最も理解度が高い設計案とし て評価されました。一方で限られた設計期間の中で、関係者の意見を整理し設計に反映できる のかが多少懸念されるという意見がありました。また、意匠的にシンボル性が少し弱いのでは といった意見がありましたが、三原の街並みに馴染み市民が気軽に訪れることができるところ がかえって評価できるとされ、審査部会の総意として特定者の決定に至りました。
We have been selected as the top (most outstanding) candidate in the proposal for the “New Construction of the Mihara Passenger Terminal “
Hirai Masatoshi Architects, together with Kurabayashi Takahiko Architects, formed the Octopus Design Collective and were selected as the top (most outstanding) candidate in the public architectural proposal competition for the basic and detailed design of the “New Construction of the Mihara Passenger Terminal (tentative name) in the Inner Port District of Onomichi Itozaki Port, a Major Port in Hiroshima Prefecture.”
Excerpt from the Evaluation Commentary
The proposal by the selected candidate (D) received a total of 6 votes, with 3 votes for first place and 3 votes for second place. The design, which places multiple small roofs at varying heights and includes a distinctive twisted roof under which essential rooms are arranged, was highly praised for its openness to the city and ease of use for citizens in their daily lives. The proposal also demonstrated thorough research of the surrounding environment. Additionally, the suggestion to involve stakeholders (creators and users) in the planning process and engage students, fostering a sense of ownership in the port development, was noted as a strong point. This proposal was evaluated as having the deepest understanding of the project theme, especially in its contribution to revitalizing the Mihara Port area, which is increasingly attracting young people. On the other hand, some concerns were raised about whether it would be possible to incorporate stakeholder feedback into the design within the limited design period. Furthermore, while some felt that the design’s symbolic quality could be slightly lacking, the fact that it blended well with the Mihara cityscape and would encourage casual visits from citizens was ultimately considered a positive, leading to the unanimous decision to select the proposal.
The jury members were as follows:
Chairperson: Momoyo Kaijima
Members: Nobutaka Nagahama, Yasuaki Onoda, Keisuke Maeda, Akihiro Yamamoto, Takashi Niimura, Mitsuru Kawabata (titles omitted)
You can view the public presentation and hearing from the final day of judging on YouTube at the link below: